Here is probably the most important thing that you can learn about me. I really get pleasure out of making Medicare easier for you all. It can sound silly, but when I get an email saying "because of your TikTok, I was able to get my Part B reduced since I learned about the SSA-44 form from your TikTok". It's the little things
I'm fortunate - I get to work with my kids in our family agency. We have a great team of people. I get to work with a demographic (you) that we enjoy. We get to make life easier for you. We alleviate stress. We have successful stories to share. That = fun for me.
Background - I landed in the medical malpractice field at age 22. I've been in the insurance field my entire life and ultimately shifted to 100% Medicare. Reason? It's crazy confusing and there's a great need to make it easier. So, we've built an agency designed to do just that.
I'm the TikTok lady to Cameron's YouTube guy. We've got a podcast, a free course and just about everything you can imagine built so that you can learn what you need to know about Medicare to keep you out of trouble.
I do webinars for DFCU (A Detroit area credit union) along with several other credit unions. I do webinars for financial planners and human resource departments (at no charge - email me).
We basically do all that we can to keep people out of trouble with Medicare.
Feel free to connect with me:
Fill out the form here and someone will be in touch soon.