If you know me, you know I don’t watch much TV nor many movies, but I DO often think of the Field of Dreams line “If you build it; they will come”.
We’re building it; they’re coming.
I’m reflecting this holiday weekend over coffee and wow, has it been a whirlwind five months! Again, as many of you know, we began the Boomer Health Group journey in January, 2018 after spending time along the way at other places that offer Medicare assistance in a different manner than we do. It was time to build what we wanted to build in our own fashion.
When I say to people that “we do Medicare”, I have to be careful in how I speak because I realize that this sounds really pretty easy. Or, it sounds like we are employed by Medicare (we are not).
Let me explain what we do, how we do it and why we do it . In Simon Sinek style, I’ll start with the why.
Here’s what I hear from about 75% of the people that I work with. “I didn’t know where to go for help”. That’s a pretty good reason right there for us to “build the place to go”. Isn’t it just crazy that Medicare decisions affect every single person that turn age 65, affect 10,000 new people each and every day, is extremely easy for people to make mistakes within, has an industry that has a pretty poor reputation – and much, deservedly so – on and on. That’s a recipe right there for a place to come along and do things right.
What do we actually do? I call it edu-selling. Hand-holders. We’re not those agents out there that are sending postcards to people turning 65. We’re not hounding them at 5:15pm on their cell phones. We teach community ed. We work with advisors holding seminars and client workshops. We attend client meetings virtually. We train other advisors to discuss Medicare/healthcare with their clients. We do a screen share to walk clients through signing up for Medicare online. We teach our clients about pharmaceutical options. We help corporations save thousands and thousands of dollars securing the right Medicare coverage for their 65+ workers. We help the workforce of a self-funded corporation really learn what Medicare offers and help the employee decide what is best for them. We give out our cell phone numbers. We say “call us back when you’re ready”. We have automated emails to keep clients in the loop. We send hand-written thank you cards. That’s what we SHOULD be doing to build where people come. It’s not rocket science. Does it take a lot of work? Absolutely. Is it fun? Absolutely.
Here’s the how. People ask us HOW we’re able to “be virtual”. We just tell people that we’re virtual! Just because someone is 65+ doesn’t mean they don’t have a smartphone and the ability to electronically sign things through email. The virtual nature of our business allows us to touch thousands vs hundreds across the country. We can be invited to the advisor meeting at 3:15 for an introduction (via phone call). We can work with a couple at 7:30pm after they’ve eaten dinner, post work (via phone call) . One spouse can roll their eyeballs if they don’t like what they hear. The beauty of virtual 🙂 Does that mean we don’t do live events? Of course not. Those are a blast to attend and we love to deliver seminars and workshops anywhere and everywhere. The variety is fantastic and every hour on the hour is different.
As my coffee hour winds down, thank you to all of our clients, advisors, partners, competitors, workers, friends, family and every one out there – you push us each day to become better and better in building what we’re building.
Have a terrific holiday weekend! ~ JGR

Joanne Giardini-Russell is a Medicare Nerd & the owner of Giardini Medicare, helping people throughout Metro Detroit and the country transition to Medicare successfully. Contact Joanne at joanne@gmedicareteam.com or by calling 248-871-7756.
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