A financial advisor called our line today for some help. His clients have Tricare for Life coverage. Awesome coverage that acts like a Medigap plan for these folks. Ideal. When we run into Tricare for Life we say “good for you, enjoy and have a good life”.
Well, another agent didn’t do that. When these two turned 65 (they are now 70 and 72), an agent gave them a Plan G with a large carrier that tends to have a lot of high rate increase and has them rather frequently!
So, they are paying $5,000 annually to keep those two plans in place – and they don’t need the plans. They have learned that the plans haven’t even been paying claims as Tricare for Life and Medicare have handled the costs.
This couple has blown around $25,000 due to poor agent advice in Medicare-Land…..

Joanne Giardini-Russell is a Medicare Nerd & the owner of Giardini Medicare, helping people throughout Metro Detroit and the country transition to Medicare successfully. Contact Joanne at joanne@gmedicareteam.com or by calling 248-871-7756.
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