Phone call just now from a couple that an advisor sent to us... They took a "bunch" of money out of an account to do something with in 2017. Up went the IRMAA for Medicare. (the $352 monthly level) Mr. Client just turned 65 so he was shocked with the amounts to pay. Mrs. Client has been on Medicare (A/B) for a few years now and has her premium deducted from her social security check. Right, she …
Getting Ready for the Annual “Crazy Time”
Our agency is a virtual one. What we mean is that we have 99.9% of our conversations with people over the phone. It's easily done with Medicare (which surprises some!) But, we are asked routinely - "but, where are you sitting right now"? Six of us are sitting in Michigan and one of us is sitting in Boise, ID. Being in Michigan, we of course get to know our Michigan companies, their retiree …
Turning 65 ——- do it right!
I was with a corporation recently and a gal asked about her father and Medicare. Happens all the time... "I'm thinking about my dad, he blah blah blah". Well, what dad did in this case was signed up for only Medicare Part A because he didn't want to pay any premium. I quizzed the daughter.. "are you sure? I bet he's paying for it but just doesn't realize it.." (because he's collecting social …
Our e-book – What to do at age 64.5!
We like helping you be prepared. So, in our "not rocket science" fashion, CLICK THE GREEN LINK BELOW and give us a call. What to do at 64.5 E-Book! …
Medigap and Pre-Existing Conditions
One HUGE topic in the Medicare world should be, yes "should" be, about the connection between pre-existing conditions and Medicare eligibility. Much of the population doesn't realize that during the Medicare years, pre-existing condition issues and insurance coverage have NOT been eliminated. Under current law (and only with the NON-Medicare population), health insurance carriers cannot deny nor …
The Vault
Building a vault.... So, one day about six weeks ago, Cameron says "we need to build a central place of Medicare answers". Huh? Well, it's being built. Expected launch date is 7/1/2019. What is it? It's a place where people can enter and find everything they need to know about Medicare and it's related products. It'll start with a bang (lots of content) but will be constantly growing. One of …
Age 64.5. We get a lot of questions like "when's the best time to learn about Medicare?" Our answer is pretty simple. At age 65, every person that arrives at age 65, needs to make some decision about Medicare enrollment. Now, what that does NOT mean is that they need to sign up for Medicare necessarily but they should really have a conversation about "hey, do I need to sign up? Not need …
Peace of Mind
And, this is what a good health insurance package can provide people with ❤️ Love that we can bring that to her world... …
Part B nightmares
Wellll, we've had a rash of Part B stories! Can I give Part B back? (YES). Well, this should have taken this person about three weeks to accomplish. She called us yesterday and eight months later, still has her Part B in place. It should be a form to sign, received by Medicare and - poof - Part B goes away until you need to enroll yet again. A matter of weeks - not eight months. COBRA and …
How did you pick your plan?
Smack dab in the middle of the annual election time.... We'd love to ask you a question. Q: HOW did you happen to pick your plan? It's one my favorite Q's to ask someone. In fact, yesterday, I was brought in for a session with women at a local Korean Culture Center to discuss Medicare. They were a terrific group! Smart, full of questions and energy! So, I walked through my rather normal …